Thursday, January 2, 2014

A New Beginning...

I enjoy writing. In fact, I enjoy it a great deal, but I have let this little hobby get away from me. So instead of a "resolution" for the new year, I decided I would just work on accomplishing things I have been meaning to do. Writing a blog is one of those things. 

Will I have consistent themes? Probably not. Will I occasionally ramble on from one thought to the next without warning? Probably, especially if I am enjoying a glass of wine (which I tend to do in the late evenings). Want to hear my thoughts on a particular topic? Tell me what to write about, but then don't complain that you don't like my response! 

So who am I, she of Layla's Days? I'm a wife, mom, sister, educator, pet owner. I enjoy coffee, wine, cookies, coffee cake, ice cream, chocolate, Italian food, Mexican food, and a really good steak. Bananas try to kill me, as do melons and knife-wielding spiders; I avoid them at all costs. I love to travel and have been known to take off on my own for hours at a time to explore a new city, the countryside, museums, and cafes. Some of my favorite cities to visit are San Francisco, Alburquerque (does anyone really know how to spell that name?), Denver, and Washington, D.C. This habit has gotten harder as my children continue to grow, however. I hope you will continue to visit my little blog here to learn more about me as I write.

This first attempt "to blog" will be a short one. In essence, I am experimenting with the process of it all. I may hop around to see which blog site works best for me, but I will do my best to carry you along. Cheers!